LAWLS Bookstore

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy 2007!

Greetings Friends!

I hope you are healthy and well and living as we begin a new year. One thing I love about the new year is a clean calendar. There is so much hope and potential in crispy white clean calendar pages just waiting to be filled with the signs of living: appointments, schedules, vacations and such. A new year is also a time of reflection and contemplation. For us at LivingAfterWLS it is also the time to complete the LAWLS Personal Self-Assessment Workshet, one of our tools of empowerment.

LAWLS Personal Self-Assessment Worksheet

We will be discussing this more in tomorrow's You Have Arrived Newsletter (January 3) but I thought you might want a head start in using this tool for your introspective look at where you have come from and where you are going. You can read more about this in the Library: LAWLS Personal Self-Assessment

Remember, the more tools we use in conjunction with our WLS tool, the stronger we become. Use the tools.

Best wishes to you and yours in the coming year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you can help me, but I'm writing an article on pregnancy after weight loss surgery and can't find any statistics on its prevalence. Do you happen to know of any stats?

Thanks so much!

Heather Boerner
Freelance Writer