LAWLS Bookstore

Sunday, February 09, 2014

LAWLS Project 2014: Living Inspired After WLS

Check out the first issue of our Project 2014 Newsletter

I am so happy to invite your participation in LivingAfterWLS Project 2014: a program dedicated to life-long weight management and healthy living made possible by optimizing our weight loss surgery tool and harnessing our internal strengths so that we may thrive. This project has been long in the making, starting in 1999 when I underwent laparoscopic gastric bypass (RNY) to treat my condition of morbid obesity. 2014 launches my tenth year of blogging about weight loss surgery and the eighth year I've worked for LivingAfterWLS in support of the greater weight loss surgery community.  In that time I have learned with complete certainty that weight loss surgery is not, as the public may perceive, an easy means to weight loss. In fact, this is a challenging and difficult path we travel in the name of weight management and the pursuit of improved health, wellness, and longevity. I invite you to join this project because you understand that. As diverse individuals, unique and beautiful in our own right, we come together united in the common cause of managing metabolic disease (obesity) and through improved health we enjoy an enhanced quality of living.

In this newsletter we outline the structure of Project 2014 and release Units 1, 2, and 3 for your use as a participant in the project. The structure of the project is supported with weekly newsletters, free printable PDF files that include informative articles and practical worksheets, and numerous links to sources of further reading and empowering information. Additionally, Project 2014 is supported by community in a Facebook group dedicated to serving the membership as a support satellite to Project 2014. 

Project Mission:
Empowering individuals to harness their inner strengths for life-long weight management with weight loss surgery. Personal empowerment through education, thought, community support, and validation. We are LivingAfterWLS.
Last week we opened the group inviting members to join and share introductions. For convenience all PDF files issued in association with this project are located under the FILES tab within the group. I wish to say Welcome and Thanks to everyone who has already joined our LAWLS Project 2014 on Facebook. The group is off and running pursuing our collective goals: please join us follow the link below:

LAWLS Project 2014 Facebook Group

Like us on Facebook 
If you are eager to join us please click the link above through your Facebook account and request membership in this group. Once your membership is accepted please take these steps to begin your engagement in this supportive and empowering group:

1. Read the Code of Conduct (under Files) and initial your agreement.
2. Open the file Winter_Units1_2_3.pdf and learn the project structure. Print the .pdf file for your personal use. (Hint - print on 3-hole paper if available!)
3. Dedicate a 3-Ring binder to the documents and worksheets (suggested binder tabs are listed on page 6). Do the tasks assigned in Units 2 and 3. Share your thoughts, experience, and encouragement with the group.
Let's get this project started! I look forward to sharing 2014 with you!


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