LAWLS Bookstore

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Meeting Lori:
Super Person, Super Foods

Earlier this year I introduced you to Lori Rosendahl who took the Fit Is It Challenge of 180 minutes exercise per week and doubled her activity time to over 400 minutes per week. When I introduced her on February 1 she was 8 months post-up and down about 130 pounds.

Saturday it was my privilege to meet Lori in person! She is dynamic and captivating and she literally sparkles with a love of life and wellness. We met in a parking lot in Salt Lake City and I recognized her immediately. She had enjoyed a four mile walk earlier that morning and was glowing with good health. Julie Hullinger, the LAWLS Public Relations Director, joined us for lunch and we ate from the guilt-free menu at Chili's. We talked about weight loss surgery, the emotions associated with obesity and the need to constantly strive for good health through nutrition and exercise aided by our WLS tool.

Lori is a believer in Super Foods. As a breast cancer survivor she embraces nutrition as an opportunity to keep her body healthy. She continues to lose weight and is zooming in on her goal. And though she is doing very well, like many of us during weight loss, she worries she won't reach goal weight. It is natural for all of us to have fears of not making goal weight. But the thing that will get Lori to goal weight is her personal accountability for her own success. She is not simply letting the "WLS Tool" do the work and hoping for the best. She is taking charge and embracing a new healthy lifestyle.

Welcome to your new life, Lori! You Have Arrived!
Read & Download the Fit Is It Challenge

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