LAWLS Bookstore

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 6 Checklist - Nurturing Checkup

Hello Neighbors & Day 6 Enthusiasts!

As you know part of our "Day 6" way of life is closely monitoring how we nurture our bodies nutritionally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. In the Day 6 book this is covered at length and on Page 122 there is a daily checklist to help us monitor how we are doing so we can celebrate our progress and make improvements or corrections when necessary. This worksheet is available for free downloading as well to make it easy for your daily nurturing.

Day 6 Daily Checklist

Please make use of this simple tool - I know it is useful to me in the daily quest for better Day 6 living and I think you will find it helpful too. Let me know what you think!

Have a well-nurtured day! And join us in the Neighborhood to share your Day 6 experience!

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