LAWLS Bookstore

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bonus Fun Friday

I'm not sure if Gwenda knows the Neighborhood is back online, so I'm going to toss-out a *Bonus* Fun Friday for this weekend.... Hope you don't mind, our darlingGwenda little down under Fun Friday Hostess...

November 13th is the third Friday the 13th of 2009 -- and it seems I (personally) have been on a run of rotten luck lately. But the saying goes, third times a charm. So my question for this Bonus Fun Friday -- Does the adage 3rd times a charm override the misfortune of Friday the 13th? Get out of bed or pull the covers over your head on the third Friday the 13th of the year?

...... cool prizes presented to you from the LivingAfterWLS General Store.

Let the game begin .......

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