LAWLS Bookstore

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest: Refresh You WLS Menu

One of my favorite things about spring is the variety of fresh berries and vegetables that come to the markets. After a long winter of cooking from the pantry I welcome the light freshness of asparagus and strawberries and baby lettuce and such. There is just something about this time of year that renews my interest in cooking. Today in the digest we spend a few moments refreshing our memory on how to find a good Day 6 recipe that supports our healthy weight management goals. The more we work toward being masters over what we cook and how we cook the more successful we can become at managing our weight and hopefully improve the health and nourishment of those we love.    

Happy Spring - We are all in this together!

Read the newsletter online in our archive: Digest April 13, 2011

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