LAWLS Bookstore

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday Quick Tip: Visualize Yourself Thin

Visualization is a powerful tool in life. During weight loss we can use this tool to create a mental self-portrait of a thin and healthy being enjoying the spoils of weight loss and improved quality of life. Visualization exercises are powerful motivators to keep us head hungry for the goal of a healthier more enjoyable life through weight loss and obesity recovery.

Re-visit pre-surgery days when your head hunger was for a healthy weight body and all the things life held in store for you as you lose weight and become healthier and more energetic.

"We didn't ask for obesity and we didn't ask for the fight of a lifetime to keep it under control. Treat yourself kindly. Find your personal hell-bent determination. You already know how courageous and powerful you are: you learned that when you underwent bariatric surgery. The 5 Day Pouch Test will help you find that place again through the course of five days focused on your mental and physical wellness. Pull out your strength and reserves and let's do this together." ~ Kaye Bailey: The 5 Day Pouch Test Owner's Manual
What does your visualized image look like? Are you on track to see that reflection?

Four Truths About Weight Regain After Weight Loss Surgery
Nobody undergoes weight loss surgery thinking weight regain will happen to them. But statistics indicate that 80 percent of those who undergo gastric bypass, gastric banding, or gastric sleeve weight loss surgery will at some point regain some of the weight they lost initially with the surgery. Learn four truths about weight gain after weight loss surgery. Link to Article

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