LAWLS Bookstore

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Iron Chef

OK, I admit it. I love to watch Iron Chef. Tonight I watched back to back episodes of Iron Chef America and Iron Chef. I guess I like to torture myself. But tonight at the beginning of Iron Chef was a quote I'd like to pass along that made me think long and hard. Forgive the paraphrasing - I didn't have a pen handy. It said..."tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are". As I thought about this I thought about how I'd like to be described by what I eat. Would I like to be introduced as "This is Julie who eats fast food and junk when she is lonely. She indulges in sweets and garbage when she feels out of control. Although she is bright and funny, she capitalizes on self-deprecating humor to ease uncomfortable low self esteem. And last but not least Julie always finishes desserts down to the last bite." That may be how the old me could have been described. It makes the Iron Chef quote uncomfortably true. Now if I were writing a bio about myself that includes food I would say, "Julie enjoys slicing up apples to dip in low fat yogurt as an idulgant treat for herself and her kids. Before dinner Julie and her 4-year old Max always say a loud concert-like mantra "vegetables ROCK!" She is faithful in reading nutrition labels and plans for meals and snacks ahead of time. Her car never smells of fast food and she always has fresh fruit on her counter". Now you may have an idea about both of these "Julies" from reading my description about food. This has been a good exercise for me and I challenge you to give it a try. "Tell me what you eat - and I'll tell you who you are"... Thank you Iron Chef.

1 comment:

Sandi Hooper said...

Ok, I'll confess: I've got it baaaaad for Alton Brown! There, I've said it. Iron Chef is better than ICA though-they are so serious about it. Alton is a dreamy chef though--scientist, artist, gadget man--a real live renaissance man! Iron Chef would have to bill me, the Queen of Whey Protein right now. A little shaky about dipping into the vast ocean of real food, safe with my shakes, puddings and bars I rely on my 70 grams per day to get me through until the new food me is ready to emerge.

Thank you Julie.