LAWLS Bookstore

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

5 Day Pouch Test Journal: Useful Tool


Yesterday in the You Have Arrived Newsletter we presented a new LivingAfterWLS Tool: The 5 Day Pouch Test Journal. This is a downloadable worksheet for use during your pouch test. Our servers were overwhelmed with requests for this tool - if you were unable to get it please click the link below and download your free form:

Download the 5 Day Pouch Test Journal

Using the Pouch Test Journal:

This simple two-page form is divided by days and asks you to record your weight, your energy level throughout the day, food intake, activity and motivation. For your convenience the daily food recommendations are included on the journal sheet. Record keeping should be honest, but brief. You don't need another burden in your day, just a visual record of your progress.

Energy level should be ranked 1 to 10: 1 is low energy, 10 is extreme energy and 5-6 is neutral. We will talk more about energy level and food intake as we continue this discussion in the newsletters, blog and Neighborhood, so please keep track while doing the Pouch Test.

With the Pouch Test we are not focused on losing weight, but we ask you to record your weight as an observation. In most cases it will go down, but if it does not please remember the scale is not our focus here. The focus is on quickly moving through the post-op diet, rediscovering our pouch and breaking a snack or processed carbohydrate cycle.

Use the margins to note water intake, vitamin intake, monitored steps or anything else you use in your individual program to optimize your health. This is your worksheet and we hope it is a meaningful tool on which you can build a strong case for getting back on track.

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