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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Don't throw away all the eggs

Featured article from today's 5 Day Pouch Test Bonus Bulletin!

Continuing our LivingAfterWLS August theme of "Back to Basics" - We are pleased to say our 5DPT BONUS Bulletin was delivered to your Inbox today and live in our Archive right now. Click Here to the archive and enjoy all the great content this bonus publication has to offer. Something to inspire everyone!

What if I mess up?

Brown Eggs
Dropped Eggs Happen!

As a lifelong person struggling with the disease of obesity the all-or-nothing mentality of falling off the wagon is something that continues to perplex me. Do you know what I'm talking about? I will have good intentions to have an omelet and tomato slices for breakfast but for some reason I chose instead to have a toasted bagel slathered with cream cheese. Naturally the high carbohydrate and high fat breakfast makes me feel sluggish and miserable so I think, "To hell with it" and continue to make poor dietary choices the rest of the day. Now you know what I'm talking about, I see you nodding your head. (This still happens to me once in a while, I'll be honest with you.)

Years ago in one of the many diet programs I was following, and I am not sure which it was, a counselor talked about dropped eggs as the theory applies to the scenario above. She asked if any of us, while in the kitchen baking, had accidentally dropped an egg on the floor. We all nodded yes. She then asked if we said, "To hell with it" and proceeded to drop the remaining eggs on the floor. We all nodded no, of course not! "Then why, when you drop the metaphorical diet egg do you say to hell with it and break the diet for the rest of the day?" Great allegory!

Dropped eggs happen. We are human. We live in a difficult world. So the next time you drop the diet egg visualize getting a paper towel, wiping up the spill and moving forward. Dropped eggs happen and a great deal of life and living is all about cleaning up messes.

Shared with permission from "Day 6: Beyond the 5 Day Pouch Test" by Kaye Bailey. Copyright 2012 - LivingAfterWLS ~ All Rights Reserved. Pages 26-27.

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