LAWLS Bookstore

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wildfire Emergency Preparedness: Helpful Information from FEMA

Occasionally it seems appropriate to use this space - normally dedicated to all things WLS - for public information. I take opportunity today to share valuable information on wildfire preparedness from FEMA for those of us living on forest boundaries or near wildfire vulnerable areas:
"Every year across our Nation, some homes survive - while many others do not - after a major wildfire. Those that survive almost always do so because their owners had prepared for the eventuality of fire, which is an inescapable force of nature in fire-prone wildland areas. Said in another way - if it's predictable, it's preventable!

"Wildfires often begin unnoticed. These fires are usually triggered by lightning or accidents. They spread quickly, igniting brush, trees, and homes. Reduce your risk by preparing now - before wildfire strikes. Meet with your family to decide what to do and where to go if wildfires threaten your area. Follow the steps listed below to protect your family, home, and property."

Link for more information and handy checklists: Wildfire Preparedness by FEMA
Also, check out this article to make sure you are ready to accommodate your specific WLS needs in the event of an emergency:
Emergency Preparedness For Weight Loss Surgery Patients
Weight loss surgery patients should take some extra steps in preparing an emergency readiness kit for use in the event of a natural or national disaster. Here are some good suggestions for preparing a special needs kit for the bariatric patient.

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