LAWLS Bookstore

Monday, June 27, 2005

Conventional Diet Advice That Works For Us After WLS

In many cases conventional dieting wisdom simply doesn’t work for WLS patients – we’ve changed the rules. For a refreshing change take a look at what Stephen P. Gullo, PhD, President of the Institute of Health and Weight Sciences in New York City and author of Thin Tastes Better has to say. I believe you’ll find the counsel he gives his patients works well for us too:

1. Know your behaviors, not just your calories. If you find that you’re constantly regaining weight you’ve lost by abusing the same types of foods, either stop buying them or find replacements for them.

2. Remember that weight loss is about liberation, not deprivation. It’s about a change in perspective. Eat fewer calories and cut down on the amount of fat you eat in the spirit of liberating yourself from the discomfort of the pounds that you’ve been carrying instead of depriving yourself from certain foods.

3. Don’t forget that being thin is a life management skill. It’s normal to experience setbacks and periods of feeling defeated. But in the future, when you turn 40 or 50 or 60 at a healthy weight, it won’t be by accident, because aging well is not an accident. It’s the gift that those who care deeply give to themselves. It will be because you planned and honed your skills at weight management.

WOW! This is a must-print post and a read it soon book! Thanks, Dr. Gullo, for your insight. (Quoted from “Prevention’s Ultimate Guide to Women’s Health & Wellnes” 2002, Rodale p. 94).

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